There are many people who growing tomatoes from seed. There are many people who want to make homemade tomato sauce. From the start we have to say that it is pretty much work to do to get the desired result, which is a very good, tasty and healthy tomato sauce, for the whole family.
Homemade tomato sauce can be consumed both fresh and preserved for winter, there are different stages in its production.
Also, homemade tomato juice is good to be consumed to prevent and treat diseases. I'll talk about it at the end of the article.
Now I will tell you the steps you must follow to make tomato sauce. The ingredients for the recipe are common: tomatoes (as you want), salt, sugar and other herbs (lovage). Preparatory steps:
- Wash the tomatoes with plenty of water
- Cut the tomatoes in four parts
- Chop them in the special machine, to remove the skin and the seeds
- Sterilize bottles and jars

The fresh tomato sauce 
The fresh tomato sauce is made following these steps:
- Boil the tomato juice obtained by grinding in a large pot
- Add salt and boil the sauce
- The juice will be boiled at low heat for about an hour, until foam disappears from the surface
- Then pour the juice in bottles or jars paying attention not to get burnt
- Cover bottles and jars with a blanket and let them cool slowly until the next day
- Store the bottles and jars in a cool, dry and dark place

Winter tomato sauce
Winter tomato sauce is made following these steps:
- After you have passed he tomatoes through the mincer, the juice obtained is left to settle for an hour in a dark place
- Then remove with a spoon the water that rose on the surface
- The remaining sauce will be boiled on low heat for 2-3 hours, stirring from time to time
- Also add salt, sugar (one tablespoon to 5 gallons of broth) and a few lovage leaves tied with a thread
- Let it boil until it is reduced to a quarter of the amount
- Then pour the hot composition into bottles and jars and cover them with a blanket
- Keep the bottles and jars until the next day covered in a blanket
- In the next two days sterilize bottles and jars in a saucepan with water, for 15 minutes
- Then store the containers in a cool, dry and dark place

Food Strainer and Sauce Maker Machine
Food Strainer and Sauce Maker Machine
As you are familiar with how you can make tomato sauce at home, I will present below a chopped Machine with the device to remove skin and seeds, which will be helpful in making tomato sauce and other fruit and vegetables juices. 
This grinder is part of the Victorio Kitchen Products, it has a modern design and it is accompanied by an accessory kit. Users get one year warranty. It is very useful in making tomato juice to remove the device due to skin and seeds. It is sold at an affordable price and you can use the kitchen to prepare various vegetables and fruit sauces, not just tomato juice. 
You will get a fresh juice without seeds or peel, and you will also keep the kitchen clean. It is easy to use because of the way and place that it occupies in the kitchen. It is recommended to use this machine when you make juice for your baby. 
You can visit the product overview page with all the opinions of those who have purchased this grinder, but my honest opinion is that the quality-price report makes it worth buying without the slightest restraint.

Diseases to prevent with tomato juice

Homemade tomato juice, consumed both fresh and preserved, helps to prevent diseases such as:
- Prostate cancer - to reduce its occurrence by 40% in men who drink tomato juice
- Cardiac ischemia, stroke
- Bone diseases
- Obesity and diabetes
- Respiratory infections
- Smoking - reducing harmful action of tar on the body
- Constipation - tomato accelerates the processes of the intestine
- Rheumatism - drink a cup of tomato juice in the morning on the empty stomach and before the main meals – it has the same effect as cortisone
- Chronic poisoning
- Acne
- Prevention and pimples - recipe: 40 ml of 90 degrees, 1 gr. glycerin and 100 ml of tomato juice – use this solution in the morning and in the evening


When to plant tomatoes?

In growing tomatoes from seed process it's time now for another step. Planting tomato seedlings in greenhouses or gardens will be done after the seedlings have grown properly and when the temperature outside is favorable. To make this, you need to follow these steps:

1. Make sure you have properly prepared the layers for planting seedlings.

2. Make sure the temperature will not compromise the young seedlings, meaning that it does not fall below 10 degrees C at night. Remove carefully the plants from the containers in the greenhouse or the garden.

3. With a garden planter make 30 drill hole of 30 centimeters.

4. Put ashes in every hole, then plant the seedlings, burying them up to the first leaf.

5. Tomato seedlings are planted in pits with all the land that they had in pots, so as not to damage roots.

6. Cover the holes with soil and then water with warm water.

7. If the temperature drops very much at night, tomato seedlings can be covered with plastic containers.

Following these steps, you are ready with planting tomato seedlings in the garden. During their development, they will be watered only when the soil is too dry. After the fruit appears, water them twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. The manure will fertilize the plants every two weeks. After about three weeks, the plants will be held with some wire so as not to break.
Also, tomatoes will need pruning and also you must remove the yellow leaves from the plant.
Important note: if you do not have garden space for building a greenhouse, you can plant each seedling or two in larger pots and the plant care will be the same.
There is one important aspect to mention: greenhouses, gardens or containers in which you have tomato seedlings should face south in order to receive as much sunlight for heat.


Until the weather is suitable for planting tomato seedlings in the garden, you have to start preparing the soil layers for growing tomatoes from seed. And you have to do this carefully if you want to have good crops.
So that the work of planting tomatoes from seed is not in vain, you will have to use some special soil. Tomatoes will grow and will be delicious if they have good soil in which to grow. Also, tomatoes are grown without chemical fertilizers, particularly healthy and tasty.
It is important that the soil has the necessary amount of potassium and phosphorus, obtained from natural resources. The proportion that should exist in soil for growing tomatoes is two times more potassium than phosphorus.
To grow tomatoes you can use the following recipe for the soil: 50 litres of soil mixed with about 8 cups of ash and a cup of bone flour. Bone flour can be replaced with chicken or fish bones in dry ground. Bone flour can be found at a veterinary pharmacy.
The ash you use will have to come only from wood, not from plastic or other paper and paperboard. Thus, assured sources of potassium (ash) and phosphorus (bone flour) will help the development of tasty tomatoes.
I used this recipe and I can say that the results were very good.

Useful tools:
Greenes Raised Garden Bed 4'x4'x9" - Raised bed gardening offers higher yields, provides optimal soil conditions and offers improved drainage. Greenes Fence Raised beds are easy to access and maintain, can be placed almost anywhere and assemble without tools.

Greenland Gardener Raised Bed Garden Kit - This easily assembled Raised Bed Garden Kit will make gardening fun for the whole family. No tools are required - just put it together, add soil and you are ready to garden!

Raised-Bed Gardening System - 8ft. x 8ft., Model# 6309 - This self-contained raised bed gardening system is a great way to start a garden in your yard. It's attractive, orderly and ecologically friendly. Made of natural decay-resistant cedar to stand up to moist environments. Raised beds are easy on the back, keep out burrowing rodents and warm up quicker in the spring for faster growing. Has a built-in trellis, automated irrigation system and walk-through gate for easy access. Set-up Size L x W (in.): 96 x 96, Material Type: Cedar and vinyl-coated mesh fencing

Best Quality Dr. Earth Home Grown Vegetable Planting Mix / Size 1.5 Cubic Feet By Dr Earth Soils - Vegetable garden planting mix is rich in earthworm castings, kelp meal, fish bone meal and soybean meal. Contains aloe vera and yucca extract. Beneficial soil microbes plus mycorrhizae are part of the probiotic inside. Ideal for organic vegetable gardens. Size: 1.5 Cubic Feet /Color.